Why becoming a Mover
Yearly costs
Additional contribution
How to join
Open to any organization.
Apply via website.
Engagement within association
Yearly costs
CHF 25’000
Additional membership contribution
How to join
- Open to any organization
- Apply via website
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Participation and voting right in general assembly
Yearly costs
On request
Additional membership contribution
In-kind contribution of (partial) FTE
How to join
By executive committee invitation only
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Setting the strategic direction of the Energy Efficiency Movement
- A seat on the executive committee
- Right to nominate a candidate for the executive committee
Benefits to become a Mover
- Use the EEM logo for your communication and marketing
- Your logo and pledge are featured on EEM website
- Announcement of your EEM Mover’s profile on LinkedIn
Knowledge hub
- Receive our bi-monthly newsletter
- Unlimited access to reports and thought leadership content
- Publication of your success stories on the EEM “solutions” webpage
- Access to training courses and programs offered by our partners
- Your profile appears on EEM website and you access Movers and partner organizations information
- Your organization is mentioned in Movers’ webinars and you get the opportunity to present it
- Access our event package to host EEM events (online and offline). Your events are promoted in our newsletter
Yearly costs
Additional contribution
How to join
Open to any organization.
Apply via website.
Engagement within association
Additional benefits for Active Movers
- Presentation of your organization in our newsletter
Knowledge hub
- Showcase your work: you are featured on the EEM website and social media in case studies, interviews or featured articles (3 content pieces/year)
- Your training programs are displayed on the EEM website and promoted on social media.
- Three one-on-one meetings with EEM team to help you organize an energy efficiency event, support communications or identify potential partners for collaboration based on your needs
Yearly costs
CHF 25’000
Additional membership contribution
How to join
- Open to any organization
- Apply via website
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Participation and voting right in general assembly
Join the Energy Efficiency Movement as Core Mover
This membership is available to Active Movers who want to engage deeper with the Energy Efficiency Movement.
As Core Mover you get a highly influential role within the EEM and you are recognized for your commitment:
- You participate in executive committee meetings.
- Your organization is portrayed with your logo on our website in a special dedicated section.
- You collaborate directly with the EEM team to expand your energy efficiency capabilities.
- Additionally, you access public speaking opportunities alongside EEM in regional and global events.
Yearly costs
On request
Additional membership contribution
In-kind contribution of (partial) FTE
How to join
By executive committee invitation only
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Setting the strategic direction of the Energy Efficiency Movement
- A seat on the executive committee
- Right to nominate a candidate for the executive committee
Yearly costs
Additional contribution
How to join
Open to any organization.
Apply via website.
Engagement within association
Yearly costs
CHF 25’000
Additional membership contribution
How to join
- Open to any organization
- Apply via website
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Participation and voting right in general assembly
Yearly costs
On request
Additional membership contribution
In-kind contribution of (partial) FTE
How to join
By executive committee invitation only
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Setting the strategic direction of the Energy Efficiency Movement
- A seat on the executive committee
- Right to nominate a candidate for the executive committee
Benefits to become a Mover
- Use the EEM logo for your communication and marketing
- Your logo and pledge are featured on EEM website
- Announcement of your EEM Mover’s profile on LinkedIn
Knowledge hub
- Receive our bi-monthly newsletter
- Unlimited access to reports and thought leadership content
- Publication of your success stories on the EEM “solutions” webpage
- Access to training courses and programs offered by our partners
- Your profile appears on EEM website and you access Movers and partner organizations information
- Your organization is mentioned in Movers’ webinars and you get the opportunity to present it
- Access our event package to host EEM events (online and offline). Your events are promoted in our newsletter
Yearly costs
Additional contribution
How to join
Open to any organization.
Apply via website.
Engagement within association

Additional benefits for Active Movers
- Presentation of your organization in our newsletter
Knowledge hub
- Showcase your work: you are featured on the EEM website and social media in case studies, interviews or featured articles (3 content pieces/year)
- Your training programs are displayed on the EEM website and promoted on social media.
- Three one-on-one meetings with EEM team to help you organize an energy efficiency event, support communications or identify potential partners for collaboration based on your needs
Yearly costs
CHF 25’000
Additional membership contribution
How to join
- Open to any organization
- Apply via website
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Participation and voting right in general assembly

Join the Energy Efficiency Movement as Core Mover
This membership is available to Active Movers who want to engage deeper with the Energy Efficiency Movement.
As Core Mover you get a highly influential role within the EEM and you are recognized for your commitment:
- You participate in executive committee meetings.
- Your organization is portrayed with your logo on our website in a special dedicated section.
- You collaborate directly with the EEM team to expand your energy efficiency capabilities.
- Additionally, you access public speaking opportunities alongside EEM in regional and global events.
Yearly costs
On request
Additional membership contribution
In-kind contribution of (partial) FTE
How to join
By executive committee invitation only
Engagement within association
- Ability to support and lead Energy Efficiency Movement initiatives, committees and projects
- Setting the strategic direction of the Energy Efficiency Movement
- A seat on the executive committee
- Right to nominate a candidate for the executive committee