Energy Efficiency Movement
Event toolkit – Agenda
Setting an agenda for an interactive event
Recommendations and generic roundtable example with workshops
It is essential for the success of the event that the Participants are actively involved as much as possible.
Think of the event as a platform for dialogue and a great opportunity to build a strong Energy Efficiency Community from the
physical gathering.
Therefore, the proposed agenda of an event starts and ends with a community gathering. Only a few frontal sessions for the onboarding of Participants are included.
As an example, the main part of the event may consist of interactive workshop sessions that build on each other.
Scene Setting
- Welcome and introduction by host / Energy Efficiency Movement
- Keynote speaker/interview
- Panel discussion
- Depends on scope of event and number of participants
Roundtable dialogue and closing
- Discussions around the tables
- Summary from each table
- Closing by host / Energy Efficiency Movement
Generic example of an interactive event – adjust durations and topics according to the scope of the event.