Hospital Fatima saves 40% in energy bills using the Eniscope solution

Hospital Fatima saves 40% in energy bills using the Eniscope solution

In the hope of avoiding energy demand penalties and slashing their expensive bills, Hospital Fatima in Brazil reached out to WattsOn for their expertise in energy efficiency, and they did not disappoint:

• WattsOn helped the Hospital reduce their carbon footprint by 80%

• ROI was achieved in just 4 short months

• 40% total energy savings

In the hope of avoiding energy demand penalties and slashing their expensive bills, Hospital Fatima in Brazil reached out to WattsOn for their expertise in energy efficiency, and they did not disappoint:

• WattsOn helped the Hospital reduce their carbon footprint by 80%

• ROI was achieved in just 4 short months

• 40% total energy savings

WattsOn snapped into action beginning their investigation to identify areas of high energy intensity across the site, seamlessly installing 2 Eniscopes to monitor the tomography, kitchen and autoclave equipment, as well the laundry room. The Eniscope’s minute-by-minute, asset level data quickly revealed high wastage areas, and coupled with the impressive data insights made possible through the virtual energy management service, total energy visibility was gained within an instant.

Key Results

Within just 90 days, from understanding the baseline consumption to presenting to the Hospital’s board of Directors, the WattsOn team underpinned the spike in energy caused by the simultaneous use of laundry machines and autoclave equipment. By making the invisible, visible, Hospital Fatima saw a massive 40% savings on their energy bill and were keen to continue engaging with new sustainable processes, working to achieve long-term change within their operation.

The impact graph below spotlights a significant drop in energy used in the laundry room over the course of a week as as a result of continuous behavioral change and the power of the Eniscope solution. The red line demonstrates the energy consumption prior to the device implementation, and the blue represents the decrease, dropping by 977kWh. These kind of results can be seen across all assets and are a reflection of how effectively reductions can be achieved with the right tools and mindset.

“Understanding the importance of the acronymESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) beyond theory and knowing that the cheapest and most abundant energy comes from the awareness of avoiding waste and managing data with transparency and security, we hired WattsOn to lead us through the process”

Andreia Francescato Vignatti, CEO/Managing Director at Fatima Hospital